Does Your Home Contain Asbestos?

With Asbestos banned, it’s easy to assume the issue has been swept under the rug. Yet, Australia has one of the highest rates of asbestos cancer in the world with one in three homes containing the stuff. Perhaps the truth is also swept under the carpet, because we don’t hear about the 700+ diagnoses and […]
A Guide to Living Off The Grid

Ever wanted to run away from life’s predictable routine? Or stop relying on coal and drive down your bills? Here, we briefly run through every aspect of cutting the cord and living independently. Going off the grid can mean so much more than electricity. It can extend to water, food and waste. Most of this […]
These Power Points Will Shock You!

While the appliances we plug into the wall have changed drastically, the power point itself has always remained functional and forgotten, until now. The Home Show has seen sockets levitate out of work surfaces, include multitudes of USB ports and become an integral part of smart home integration. Let’s highlight two exhibitors who changed the […]
The Granny Flat Boom Is Not Slowing Down

100 granny flats a week are being constructed in Sydney (up 300% in five years) as homeowners see a growing opportunity to earn up to $420 per week in rental income or accommodate their elderly family. ‘Granny flat’, ‘grannexe’ or ‘fonzie flat’; there are many names but the concept is the same. Build a cheap […]
Your Home Doesn’t Need a Heater

Australia has the lowest energy building standards compared to developed countries, which means a considerably higher energy cost for you and carbon cost to the planet, but a revolution is quietly underway to eliminate the need for heating entirely. Doom & Destruction The words ‘minimum building code’ send shivers down the spines of environmentalists in […]
The Tiny Home Giving 100% Profits to Charity

Enter The Peak, an architecturally designed 32.5m2 fully integrated home equipped with all the latest in passive design technology starting at just $110,000, all profits go towards a charity keeping kids off the street. Sydney is the tenth most costly city in the world, so it’s no wonder millennials are pessimistic about their future. The […]
Tiny Machines for Tiny Homes

Gone are the days of giant 1,000m2 squares of real estate with oversized gardens. The pioneers of modern living seek out apartments in the CBD, fully equipped caravans and tiny homes at an incredible value. Now, we have little appliances for the little cubby holes. Minimalism, the idea that less is more and quality pars […]
5 Eco Inventions Transforming Our Gardens

Supermarkets rely on mass market farming which takes a considerable amount of carbon emissions to get your food from farm to fork. We look through some of the most innovative Australian made garden products featured at the Home Show. 5 Composta This nifty little device is an all-in-one composting worm farm plant pot. The set-up […]
Three Steps To Smart Home Nirvana

A common misconception about home automation is that it’s all-or-nothing, stone age cave or Iron Man lair. However, the reality is many of us already own one piece of the smart home puzzle already. Smart homes sound like just another layer of complication in a life already overflowing with tech. But these connected homes, done […]
Elderly Loneliness And Tablet Addiction

Wall-E or Ex Machina? Cute or creepy? Useful or gimmicky? With a world robot population of 414,000, we’re at a turning point in history where robotics are now entering our lives, but are they welcome in our homes? The reality Whether it’s Will Smith’s I-Robot, Steven Spielberg’s A.I. Artificial Intelligence or even The Terminator; sci-fi […]