27-29 September 2024
Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre

Save Big and Drive Green by Switching to an EV

Save Big and Drive Green by Switching to an EV Switching to an electric vehicle (EV) is more than just a trend—it’s a smart move for cost savings and environmental benefits alike. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the many ways owning an EV can save you money, while also contributing to a cleaner, […]

Easy Tricks for Decorating a Rental on a Budget

Easy Tricks for Decorating a Rental on a Budget Decorating a rental space can often feel like a creative challenge. The balance between personalisation and permanence is particularly tricky for renters. However, the notion that you can’t have a well-decorated home if you’re renting and on a tight budget is simply untrue. With a bit […]

How to Look After Your Pool in Winter

How to Look After Your Pool in Winter Winter is coming, but that doesn’t mean you should neglect your pool. Proper maintenance during the colder months ensures your pool stays in top condition, so you’re ready to jump in when summer rolls around. Here’s a straightforward guide to help you keep your pool in pristine […]

Your Guide to Selling a House in Autumn

Your Guide to Selling a House in Autumn Thinking about selling your house this autumn? You’re in luck! Autumn can be an excellent time to put your property on the market. With cooler weather, beautiful foliage, and motivated buyers, you have a prime opportunity to showcase your home. Is Autumn a Good Time to Sell […]

Mastering The Art Of Organising Kids’ Toys

Mastering The Art Of Organising Kids’ Toys Is your home constantly being taken over by your children’s toys? If so, you’re not alone. Many parents struggle with the chaos that toys can bring to a household. However, with the right strategies, you can create a clutter-free environment that will keep both you and your kids […]

Reducing Waste at Home: Practical Steps to Embrace a Zero Waste Lifestyle

Reducing Waste at Home In a world where environmental consciousness is on the rise, adopting a zero waste lifestyle at home is more than just a trend—it’s a powerful commitment to sustainable living. For homeowners in Australia, this journey not only helps preserve our beautiful country but also instils habits that can contribute to a […]

Top 10 Autumn Home Improvement Projects to Do Before Winter Hits

Preparing For Winter As the vibrant colours of autumn leaves start to fall, it’s the perfect time to tackle some home improvement projects. Preparing your home for the colder months ahead not only ensures comfort but also helps maintain and even enhance your property’s value. For Australian homeowners, understanding which tasks are most effective during […]