20-22 June 2025
Perth Convention & Exhibition Centre



Have you just had your new home or renovation designed and are not sure if its quite right? Come and visit our stand and bring your designs along for a FREE appraisal. We have a personal agenda to see everyone living in more energy efficient and comfortable homes! A well designed home can improve our quality of life as well as influencing good ‘ecohabits’. A home that is well lit, naturally ventilated with fresh air and connected to its outdoor environment, will make its occupants feel more alive and active. We base our practice on the belief that excellent design should be accessible to everyone. The design philosophies around energy efficient housing are in fact quite simple, but many in our industry have chosen to ignore them for decades. The result is often homes that look appealing, but don’t perform well for the occupants. We are moving into an era of technology that can positively impact on the liveability of homes and our carbon footprint. It is now possible to be as much as 80% to 90% self-sufficient for energy by designing new homes with modern methods of construction, combined with roof-top solar and affordable battery technology. This is a game changer for the way we design homes! Visit us at the Perth Home Show
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