Environmental Benefits of Turf

10 questions you should ask when engaging in a building designer

In addition to enhancing the appearance of a garden or outdoor space, the environmental benefits of turf may get you to consider installation. benefits of turf

Cooling effect of Turf

Compared to bare ground, cement or synthetic turf, grass will reduce the surrounding surface temperature by 15°C. In fact, a neighbourhood area with eight average lawns has the equivalent cooling effect of 70 tons of air conditioning. That’s twice the cooling effect provided by the air conditioners of those same eight homes!

Heath Benefits of Turf – Cleaning our Air and Water

Lawn is a natural filter. Grass absorbs CO2, other hydrocarbons and a range of other poisonous gasses, converting them to oxygen. In fact 25 meters of lawn will produce sufficient oxygen to generate a quality of air suitable for a family of four!

It is also estimated that on a global scale, grass traps twelve million tons of dust annually. The grass filters any pollutants in the dust as it is washed back into the soil during periods of rainfall. Therefore, lawn has a wonderful capacity to cleanse both our air and water supply. One hundred square meters of lawn can develop a maze of 500 million kilometres of roots which trap pollutants before they reach our soil and ground water supply. With the help of soil microbes, grass converts most these pollutants into harmless organic compounds that build up our soils to support ongoing life.

Turf Reduces Soil Erosion

Soil erosion is a form of soil degradation caused by rain and wind. The loss of topsoil from erosion can be both dangerous and unsightly. Turf significantly reduces the negative effects of erosion as it acts as a barrier between rain and soil; slowing water flow and minimising soil loss. Water is absorbed into the root system of the lawn, reducing run-off and localised flooding. In dry and windy conditions, turf protects the topsoil and prevents the transportation of dust particles into the air. Consequently, your lawn improves air quality and decreases the respiratory health risks associated with wind erosion.

Turf Reduces Noise

Turf absorbs noise, making your home a quieter and more peaceful environment. This is particularity important in urban areas that are impacted by population growth and increased traffic.

Turf for Fire Protection

A low-mown and well-irrigated green lawn – like the hardy Sir Walter Buffalo – provides a good separation between a house and a potential fire hazard (e.g. bushland, dry grass paddock). In addition, sections of lawn between garden beds can decrease fire movement through a garden.

Did you know … ?

The turf on the roof of Parliament House in Canberra was installed to increase insulation, reduce air conditioning costs, and to reduce noise.