18-20 October 2024
International Convention Centre Sydney

The Clean Energy Project

The Clean Energy Project

The Clean Energy Project is installing “ZERO COST” Solar and Battery packages* to One Million homes across Australia. By achieving this goal we will replace the energy created by 3 coal fired power stations with cheaper clean green energy. This will save 21 million tonnes of CO2 from being released into the Australian atmosphere every year. The energy industry has finally realised by investing in a solar generation and storage grid they can move Australia away from dependance on fossil fuels and create energy independence whilst reducing emissions that cause climate change. Homeowners have no capital outlay for the installation and typically see a saving on their energy bills of 20 – 25%. By locking in 18 cents per kWh over 10 years those savings continue to increase. Support the Clean Energy Project for a Cleaner Greener future. *subject to eligibility
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