16-18 May 2025
International Convention Centre Sydney

Plunge Pools

10 questions you should ask when engaging in a building designer

Tell me about your business?

The business name is Outback Plunge Pool. We do a stainless steel freshwater plunge pool and create spaces of paradise in our customers homes.

Why did you get into this industry?

I love it. The pool industry is a great industry because it’s one of those industries that when people invest in a pool, they value something more than the dollar of the pool itself. They value family connectedness and lifestyle. I think it’s a wholesome industry.

Fantastic so what is your best selling product of what makes it different to anything else on the market?

The great thing about our plunge pool is that we’ve got 45 sizes, we’re relocatable, we only take 30 minutes to install, we’re recyclable and ultimately, it’s fresh water. The trend at the moment is to move towards freshwater, and our pool is possibly the freshest water pool on the market. The stainless steel naturally repels and we use UV light as our sanitizer so it’s a fantastic, healthy pool.

Outback Plunge Pool

Amazing so are you a family owned business?

We are. There’s a couple of partners but still a family owned business.

Is your product Australia made?

Almost 100% aside from raw materials. The stainless steel shells and a lot of essential equipment are made in Sydney, a lot of the fittings the plastics are made in Melbourne or Melbourne. The main thing that isn’t made in Australia would be the heat pump but otherwise, everything else is done here. It’s about 90% – 95% Australia made.

Tell me more about your product what are the features and how does it work?

The features are essentially the corrugated water tank pool. Although we try not to use the word water tank because we are trying to change the perception. But we have been swimming n cut down water tanks for over 200 years, so I like to say that it’s the second oldest pool in Australia, considering the billabong is older. This is not an unusual product but it took somebody to turn it into an actual commercial product. The great thing about this being stainless steel is that it does repel the bacteria. So many surfaces out there don’t do that, ours just naturally repels. Ours is also medical grade, it’s used in both medical applications and kitchens. We also use a pre-plumbed plug so our installation is only about 30 minutes after rocking up on site. It’s an easy install and all our equipment is pre tested so our customers can be swimming in the pool within an hour, just depends on how long it takes to fill up. It’s relocatable, so one can put this on a trailer and take it to your next home. It’s one of the only pools you can swim in at two different houses on the same date.

Fantastic are there any other points?

I think we covered all the majors, 45 sizes, a bunch of accessories, you can trick it out with spa jets lights, heating, covers. It’s got all the same features as every other pool and you can configure it to your own taste. You choose the size based on your space. It’s all about what you do with it to make it your own. You can have his and hers spa jets you, stools, lighting, ladders, all kinds of stuff. It’s very customizable to how you want and very affordable.

Outback Plunge Pool

To learn more and Plunge into Paradise with an Outback Plunge Pool explore their Sydney Home Show exhibitor directory here: